Maintenance Plan
BLK2FLY is a professional UAV solution and is used in varying conditions. It
needs regular maintenance to maximise the usage, life and secures the invest-
ment of the UAV solution. Find this guideline on maintenance activities that
the pilot and Leica Geosystems Service Center should perform for the system
regularly. In a summary, the intervals are:
Every flight check (before and after)
5 hours flight time check
50 hours flight time check
200 hours flight time check
Minor service performed by pilot before and after every flight.
Before flight
Check landing gear: Intact, no cracks, clean
Check propellers: Propeller edge check, flex for delamination/cracks, clean
Spin all propellers to check motors: Listen for noises, look for irregularities
Visual inspection of the BLK2FLY body and LiDAR lighthouse
Check the camera lenses are clean
After flight
Motor check: Feel for excess heat on all motors
Check landing gear: Intact, no cracks, clean
Check propellers: Propeller edge check, flex for delamination/cracks, clean
Visual inspection of the BLK2FLY body and LiDAR lighthouse
Minor service performed by pilot once a week or after a long day.
Clean any dirty surfaces: Camera lens, propellers, BLK2FLY body, landing
Clean the LiDAR lighthouse. Be careful. Refer to
Battery inspection for battery life/damage/puffing/charge levels
This service is recommended after 50 hours or 200 flights.
Visual inspection of all components: Motors, pro-
pellers, landing gear, cameras, LiDAR, Time of flight
If applicable, firmware updates for:
Apple iPad
Apple iPad tablet
Functional test
Installation of latest firmware and applications
Acceptance test
BLK2FLY flight performance test
Cleaning of entire BLK2FLY system
Every flight
5-hour check
50 hour/200 flight