Rolly Wiegand – CALM Leica SP5 manual
2.2. If required, switch on the mercury vapour arc lamp (for detailed user guide see
chapter 3. below).
Gently tilt back the arm that holds the transmitted light illumination.
2.3. Add a drop of the correct immersion medium on the chosen objective lens (see above,
section 1.8.). Never apply any fluid to dry lenses.
Fig. 5
Power supply ‘ebq 100’ for the mercury vapour arc lamp
2.4. Place your sample, coverslip downwards, into the appropriate slot of the motorised
stage. The coverslip you should be using should be of thickness 1 (130 – 150
m mean
thickness). The configuration with the motorised stage is not particularly suitable for live
cell imaging and we recommend the Zeiss LSM510 META for live cell work.
2.5. Tilt the transmitted light illumination arm gently back towards you and make sure it is
in the right working position (if it is not, the safety switch in the arm will cut out the lasers in
the scan mode).
2.6. To select the right area of your sample and to bring the specimen into focus, you can
choose between brightfield (transmitted light) and fluorescence (reflective) mode. To
switch between the two modes press the TL/IL button on the left hand side of the
microscope stand (see Fig. 6). The system is not equipped for the use of any contrast
method (PC, DIC, etc).