Either press the multidirectional switch right
again to save changes or left to abort them.
Gateway Address
From the CONFIG MENU screen, press the
multidirectional switch up or down and navigate
to Set Gateway 1.
Press the multidirectional switch right to select
Set Gateway 1.
Press the multidirectional switch left or right
to position the cursor under editable fields
and press it up or down to edit values. Press
the switch right at the end of all editable fields to
enter the next screen.
Either press the multidirectional right again to
save changes or left to abort them.
The UltraNEXUS-HD Blade must be rebooted
by pushing in the multidirectional switch for five (5)
seconds to apply any network address changes.
Hardware Setup | Network Configuration | WinLGX Software Installation | Web Control
H.264 HD/SD
Digital Video Server
Television Automation
Network Configuration
Entering the Front Panel Password
From the front panel of your UltraNEXUS-HD Blade server, press the multidirectional switch right from any status screen
to display the password entry screen. Press the switch right five (5) times to enter the default front panel password and
access configuration menus.
To replace the unit’s password, refer to the Changing Front Panel Password section
in the full manual.
IP Address
From the CONFIG MENU screen, press the
multidirectional switch up or down and
navigate to Set IP Address.
Press the multidirectional switch right to select
Set IP Address.
Move the multidirectional switch left or right to
position the cursor under the editable fields and
press up or down to edit values. Press the switch
right at the end of all editable fields to enter the
next screen.
Either press the multidirectional switch right again
to save changes or press it left to abort changes.
Subnet Mask Address
From the CONFIG MENU screen, press the
multidirectional switch up or down to navigate
to Set Subnet Mask.
Press the multidirectional switch right to select
Set Subnet Mask.
Press the multidirectional switch left or right to
position the cursor under editable fields and
press it up or down to edit values. Press the
switch right at the end of all editable fields to enter
the next screen.
Web Control
Access your UltraNEXUS-HD Blade from your network with WebNEXUS
, a built-in password-protected web interface.
WebNEXUS provides the ability to manage slides, create and display overlays, create looping playlists for Virtual
Channel between, as, or in place of scheduled programming, transfer video files to specified destinations, and view the
UltraNEXUS-HD Blade system’s status, program guide, and log files.
Accessing WebNEXUS
Open the UltraNEXUS-HD Blade web interface through one of the two following steps:
If you already have WinLGX open and are logged into the desired UltraNEXUS-HD Blade’s IP address, select
Web interface
from the Tools menu or click on the [ ] toolbar icon to open the web interface in your default
web browser.
Enter your UltraNEXUS-HD Blade’s IP address into the address bar of a web browser.
A login prompt will appear. Enter the username and password initially set up in WinLGX to access WebNEXUS.
Refer to the WinLGX Software Installation section of this quick guide for more information.
More Information
Head to the Web Control section of the full product manual for more information on WebNEXUS and its functions.
(Multidirectional switch on the front of the UltraNEXUS-HD Blade)
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The information in this manual is subject to change without notice.
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Editing TCP/IP Network Addresses
Obtain network addresses from your technical support personnel or network administrator.