Figure 9. UPP User Interface
The UPP software offers the following features:
Helps avoid data loss by gracefully shutting down computers and virtual machines or servers that
are powered by a UPS during an extended power outage
Keeps servers running smoothly by automatically identifying hang-ups and rebooting the machine
by using a watchdog capability
Provides redundancy capability for dual-cord servers
An easy-to-use web browser interface
Communicates with the protected device directly (via USB or serial) or through the network (via
Supported servers
The RT8kVA and RT11kVA 6U Rack or Tower UPS offerings are compatible with all System x and
ThinkServer servers and other devices that require AC power.
To determine the best fit UPS for a particular configuration, the following needs to be considered:
Total power load of the hardware that will be connected to the UPS
Number and type of outlets required
UPS outlet and group limitations for connecting the hardware to the UPS
To determine chassis, node and server overall power capacities, use the Power Configurator tool. The tool
can be downloaded from
To determine the power draw of other devices such as storage and switching that will be attached to the
UPS, refer to the products user manual for the maximum power draw.
For additional technical information on the UPS line cords, outlets and grouping refer to the UPS Technical
Supported rack cabinets
RT8kVA and RT11kVA 6U Rack or Tower Uninterruptible Power Supplies