Using Passwords
To enter a password, do the following:
Type your password.
The symbol appears each time you press a key. Don't hold
down a key too long, because the same character will be
entered continuously.
Press the Enter key.
An OK appears if you enter the correct password, and an X
appears if you enter the wrong password. If you fail to enter
the correct password in three tries, you must turn off the
computer, wait 5 seconds, and then turn it on again and retry.
Setting a Password
To set a password, do the following:
Start Easy-Setup.
a) Press and hold F1; then turn on the computer.
b) Hold F1 until the “Easy-Setup” menu appears.
Click on Password in the “Easy-Setup” menu. The
“Password” submenu appears:
Selecting this icon displays a submenu for setting the
power-on password.
Selecting this icon displays a submenu for setting the
hard-disk-drive (HDD) password.
IBM ThinkPad 380Z User's Reference
Title: C79EPMST CreationDate: 06/22/98 12:00:09