Wireless Network Security
You MUST select the option to match the Wireless LAN you wish to
join. The available options are:
Open System
- Broadcast signals are not encrypted. This method
can be used only with no encryption or with WEP.
Shared Key
- Broadcast signals are encrypted using WEP. This
method can only be used with WEP.
- PSK means "Pre-shared Key". You must enter this
Passphrase value; it is used for both authentication and encryp-
- This is a further development of WPA-PSK, and
offers even greater security. You must enter this Passphrase val-
ue; it is used for both authentication and encryption.
WPA 802.1x
- This version of WPA requires a Radius Server on
your LAN to provide the client authentication according to the
802.1x standard. Data transmissions are encrypted using the
WPA standard.
WPA2 802.1x
- This version of WPA2 requires a Radius Server
on your LAN to provide the client authentication according to the
802.1x standard. Data transmissions are encrypted using the
WPA2 standard.
WEP 802.1x -
This version of WEP requires a Radius Server on
your LAN to provide the client authentication according to the
802.1x standard. Data transmissions are encrypted using the
WEP standard.
Data Encryption
The available options depend on the Authentication method selected
above. The possible options are:
- No data encryption is used.
- If selected, you must enter the WEP data shown below.
This WEP data must match the Access Point or other Wireless
- These options are available with WPA-PSK, WPA2-
PSK, WPA 802.1x and WPA2 802.1x. Select the correct option.
For WEP modes, you need to enter the desired value (8~63 charac-
ters). Data is encrypted using a 256Bit key derived from this key.
Other Wireless Stations must use the same key.
Select the desired option, and ensure the Wireless Stations use the
same setting.
64 Bit
- data is encrypted, using the default key, before being
transmitted. You must enter at least the default key. For 64 Bit
Encryption, the key size is 10 chars in HEX (0~9 and A~F).
128 Bit
- data is encrypted, using the default key, before being
transmitted. You must enter at least the default key. For 128 Bit
Encryption, the key size is 26 chars in HEX (0~9 and A~F).