LUP100A User’s Manual
Included in the Box:
LevelUp LUP100A Scanner
Outlet Box
RJ50 Cable
USB A to A Cable
RS232 Serial Cable
AC Power
1. Connect the RJ50 cable between the Outlet Box and the back of the Scanner.
2. Depending on the ports available on the POS system or tablet used, connect either the
RS232 Serial Cable or the USB cable from POS system or tablet to the Junction Box.
The cables are color-coded.
3. Connect the Button to the Outlet Box.
4. Connect the AC Power adapter to the Outlet Box and to the electrical outlet. The
scanner will automatically turn on and begin to glow white, dimming and brightening in a
“breathing” pattern.
5. The Scanner is installed and ready to use.
The process of accepting payment is simple. While idle, the scanner will glow in a white
color in a “breathing” pattern (i.e. it will slowly get more bright, then more dim).
This is the customer’s indication that the scanner is ready for a LevelUp QR
At any time during the transaction the customer can scan his or her QR code. The
scanner is continuously monitoring its camera for a QR code in its field of view;
when a code is detected, the scanner will glow in a user selected color (e.g.
“Soothing Green”).
Once the QR code is scanned, the scanner waits for the Point of Sale (P.O.S.)
system to be ready to accept the payment token. When the Point of Sale
system is ready, the scanner outputs the QR code data via one of three
interfaces: USB, serial and Bluetooth:
1. In serial mode, the QR code is simply output at its configured baud rate
(default: 9600 baud, 1 stop bit, no flow control).