User Manual for BPS-iF100
PL-4037-00, Rev02, DCO# 21-057
5.3 Operation for ATEX / IECEx Application
Specific precautions may be considered while using the pump system in potential explosive gas
atmospheres according to ATEX / IECEx category 3G/3D (
Zone 2
The user shall prevent priming issues during normal pump operation. Especially precautions have to be
considered during installing and maintenance operations to prevent the occurrence of combustible
atmospheres. The pump head must completely be filled with liquid prior to enable and operation of the pump.
Precautions have to be considered to prevent priming issues. Pump
head must completely be filled with liquid prior to enabling and
operation of the pump.
The user shall prevent friction on driver and on pump head surfaces as
to avoid electrostatic charges during system operation.
The user shall prevent electrostatic charging of the system at cleaning
processes by using dry cleaning cloth. User shall use wet cleaning
rags to avoid issues with charging at a cleaning process.
Opening of Driver back cover
Do not under any circumstances open the back cover of the driver unit.
Driver back cover may only be opened by manufacturer.
Operational Temperature 120 °C T4
Maximum allowed pump liquid temperature is 70 °C / 158 °F for the
use in Ex classified applications.
Do not operate the pump against closed valves
Refer to the corresponding section in the manual.