TThhee M
MXX--EEddiitt EEddiittoorr//LLiibbrraarriiaann -- W
tion depending on the default values for
the selected reverb or effect.
Adjusting Knobs
To make editing in MX-Edit easy and intu-
itive, there are three ways to adjust knobs
in MX-Edit:
Mouse - Circular
Place the cursor at the outer (shadowed)
edge of a knob, then click and hold the left
mouse button. The white indicator line on
the knob jumps to the mouse cursor’s posi-
tion, and follows the cursor as it moves
around the circumference of the knob. To
make fine adjustments, continue to hold
the left mouse button down and move the
cursor away from the knob; the white line
still follows the cursor, no matter how far
away it is from the knob.
Mouse – Up / Down
Move the mouse cursor to the center of a
knob; the knob is highlighted, and the cur-
sor changes to a double-headed arrow,
pointing up and down. Click and hold the
left mouse button, causing the cursor to
disappear. Move the mouse up to turn the
knob higher, or move the mouse down to
turn the knob lower. For very fast edits,
press and hold the
key on your com-
puter keyboard while moving the mouse;
this multiplies the adjusted value by a fac-
tor of 10.
Arrow Keys
Highlight, then left-click on a knob to select
it. Use the up (or right) arrow key to turn
the knob higher and increase the value;
use the down (or left) arrow key to turn the
knob lower, decreasing the value. This is a
very effective method for making small
adjustments to fine-tune your settings. For
faster modifications, press and hold the
key on your computer keyboard while
pressing an arrow key to multiply each
adjustment by a factor of 10.
If one of the MX200’s six delays is select-
ed, the
button in that processor
becomes active, and begins to flash at the
rate displayed above the
Time Range
knob. The tempo value is shown in mil-
liseconds (ms), and a quarter-note appears
next to the displayed tempo. When the
Time Range
parameter is adjusted, exact
divisions of time in milliseconds relative to
the flashing
rate will cause a note
value to be displayed next to the time, e.g.
16th note, dotted-8th note, etc. The
button will continue to flash at the originally
selected tempo, but the delay taps will
occur at the rate displayed in the
To change the tempo value, simply place
the mouse cursor over the
and left-click twice to tap the tempo, just as
you would on the MX200 front panel. The
buttons on MX200 and in the
Program Editor window now flash at the
new tempo.
If something other than one of the six
delays is loaded in the processor, the
button is grayed out and inactive.
To engage the
button (and turn off
the selected effect), place the mouse cur-
sor over the
button, and left-click
to bypass that processor. Note that the
buttons on both the MX200 front
panel and the Program Editor illuminate to
indicate the selected processor is
Program Name
To create or change a program’s name,
simply left click once anywhere in the
Program Name field. The program name
will be highlighted; type the new name into
the Title Bar. The program name in the
Header area will not change until the pro-
gram has been saved.