background image



Beep Guide



Quick Settings


Quick Settings - Brightness

1 1

Quick Settings - Brightness

1 1 1 Slider

Quick Settings - Contrast

1 2

Quick Settings - Contrast

1 2 1 Slider

Quick Settings - Volume

1 3

Quick Settings - Volume

1 3 1 Slider

Quick Settings - Color Temp

1 4

Quick Settings - Color Temp - Custom

1 4 1

Quick Settings - Color Temp - Warm

1 4 2

Quick Settings - Color Temp - Medium

1 4 3

Quick Settings - Color Temp - Cool

1 4 4

Quick Settings - Color Temp - Manual

1 4 5

Quick Settings - Color Temp - Manual

1 4 5 1 Slider



Input - Input List

2 1

Input - Input List - HDMI 1

2 1 1

Input - Input List - HDMI 2

2 1 2

Input - Aspect Ratio

2 2

Input - Aspect Ratio - Full Wide

2 2 1

Input - Aspect Ratio - Original

2 2 2

Input - Aspect Ratio - Cinema 1

2 2 3



Input - Aspect Ratio - Cinema 2

2 2 4

Input - Auto Input Switch

2 3 Toggle



Picture - Picture Mode

3 1

Picture - Picture Mode - Custom

3 1 1

Picture - Picture Mode - Vivid

3 1 2

Picture - Picture Mode - HDR Effect

3 1 3

Picture - Picture Mode - Reader

3 1 4

Picture - Picture Mode - Cinema

3 1 5

Picture - Picture Mode - FPS

3 1 6

Picture - Picture Mode - RTS

3 1 7

Picture - Picture Mode - Color Weakness

3 1 8

Picture - Picture Adjust

3 2

Picture - Picture Adjust - Brightness

3 2 1

Picture - Picture Adjust - Brightness

3 2 1 1 Slider

Picture - Picture Adjust - Contrast

3 2 2

Picture - Picture Adjust - Contrast

3 2 2 1 Slider

Picture - Picture Adjust - Sharpness

3 2 3

Picture - Picture Adjust - Sharpness

3 2 3 1 Slider

Picture - Picture Adjust - SUPER RES

3 2 4

Picture - Picture Adjust - SUPER RES 
- High

3 2 4 1



Picture - Picture Adjust - SUPER RES - 

3 2 4 2

Picture - Picture Adjust - SUPER RES - Low

3 2 4 3

Picture - Picture Adjust - SUPER RES - Off

3 2 4 4

Picture - Picture Adjust - Black Level

3 2 5

Picture - Picture Adjust - Black Level - High

3 2 5 1

Picture - Picture Adjust - Black Level - Low

3 2 5 2

Picture - Picture Adjust - DFC

3 2 6

Picture - Picture Adjust - DFC

3 2 6 Toggle

Picture - Game Adjust

3 3

Picture - Game Adjust - Response Time

3 3 1

Picture - Game Adjust - Response Time - Faster

3 3 1 1

Picture - Game Adjust - Response Time - Fast

3 3 1 2

Picture - Game Adjust - Response Time - Normal

3 3 1 3

Picture - Game Adjust - Response Time - Off

3 3 1 4

Picture - Game Adjust - Freesync

3 3 2

Picture - Game Adjust - Freesync

3 3 2 Toggle

Picture - Game Adjust - Black Stabilizer

3 3 3

Picture - Game Adjust - Black Stabilizer

3 3 3 1 Slider

Picture - Game Adjust -  Crosshair

3 3 4

Picture - Game Adjust -  Crosshair - Red Cross

3 3 4 1

Picture - Game Adjust -  Crosshair - Green Cross

3 3 4 2

Summary of Contents for 34WP580

Page 1: ...iesLCDscreenwithLEDbacklights Pleasereadthismanualcarefullybeforeoperatingyoursetand retainitforfuturereference 34WP580 OWNER S MANUAL LEDLCDMONITOR LEDMonitor www lg com Copyright 2020LGElectronicsInc AllRightsReserved ...

Page 2: ...nthelicense ThetermsHDMIandHDMIHigh DefinitionMultimediaInterface andtheHDMILogoaretrademarksorregisteredtrademarksof HDMILicensingAdministrator Inc TABLE OF CONTENTS LICENSE 2 ASSEMBLING AND PREPARING 3 USINGTHE MONITOR 12 USER SETTINGS 13 TROUBLESHOOTING 21 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 23 ...

Page 3: ...dresultinpersonalinjury Whenliftingormovingthemonitor donottouchthemonitorscreen Theforceappliedtothemonitorscreen maycausedamagetoit Forwavepatternonappearance unlikethegeneralmethodofcoating it sappliedtoaddedglitteringmaterial inrawmaterial Withnopeeled offappearance ithasgooddurability Pleaseuseitwithconfidencebecause thereisnoprobleminusingtheproductatall NOTE Thecomponentsmaylookdifferentfrom...

Page 4: ...toensuresafetransportation regardlessofitsshapeorsize Placethemonitorintheoriginalboxorpackingmaterialbeforeattemptingtomoveit Beforemovingorliftingthemonitor disconnectthepowercordandallothercables Holdthebottomandsideofthemonitorframefirmly Donotholdthepanelitself Whenholdingthemonitor thescreenshouldfaceawayfromyoutopreventitfrombeingscratched Whentransportingthemonitor donotexposethemonitortos...

Page 5: ...dealerorthenearestretailstore Makesurethetableonwhichtheproductisinstalledisstableandsolid Atablemadeoffragilematerialssuch asglassmaybedamaged Themonitormaytiltonunevenorslantedtables Installationofthestandmayleaveamarkonthetable Donothangheavyitemssuchasbagsorclothesonthestand Avoidfallsbyverifyingthatthetableislargeenoughtosupportthemonitor Makesuretofixthestandfirmlyonthetable Wheninstallingth...

Page 6: ...etablemayallowthemonitortowobbleorfallover Makesurethetableissolidandstableenoughtofullysupportinstallationofthemonitor Tablesmadeof fragilematerialssuchasglassmaybreak Fortableswithaprotrusion Iftheprotrusionislocatedmorethan95mm 3 7inches awayfromtheedgeofthetable installthemonitor onlywhenaflatprotrusionislocatedbetween10mm 0 3inches to75mm 2 9inches fromtheedgeofthe table 95 mm 3 7 inches 75 m...

Page 7: ...7 ENGLISH Swivel stand Yourmonitormountletsyouadjustthemonitorviewingangle Table 335 335 ...

Page 8: ...oonesideaftertheproducthasbeenplacedinposition straightentheangle horizontallyasfollows Adjusting the Stand Height 1 Makesuretoholdandmovethemonitorwithbothhands Max 130 0 mm 5 1 inches WARNING Toavoidinjurywhenadjustingtheheight donotputyourhandsonthestand ...

Page 9: ... illustratedbelow Becarefulnottotouchorpressthescreenareawhenadjustingtheangleofthemonitor 25 25 Bewareofcablesattachedtothemonitorwhenrotatingit Using the Kensington Lock Formoreinformationoninstallationandusage refertotheKensingtonlockowner smanualorvisitthewebsite athttp www kensington com ConnectthemonitortoatableusingtheKensingtonsecuritysystemcable NOTE TheKensingtonsecuritysystemisoptional ...

Page 10: ...age Beforeconnectingcables itisrecommendedtorotatethemonitortoanappropriateAngletoavoidwiring difficulties Installing on theWall Thismonitormeetsthespecificationsforthewallmountplateorothercompatibledevices Installthemonitoratleast100mmawayfromthewallandleaveabout100mmofspaceateachsideofthe monitortoensuresufficientventilation Detailedinstallationinstructionscanbeobtainedfromyourlocalretail store ...

Page 11: ...untingthewallmountplateasitmaycausedamagetothe screen Removethestandbeforeinstallingthemonitoronawallmountbyperformingthestandattachmentin reverse CAUTION Unplugthepowercordbeforemovingorinstallingthemonitortoavoidelectricshock Installingthemonitorontheceilingoronaslantedwallmayresultinthemonitorfallingoff whichcouldlead toinjury UseanauthorizedLGwallmountandcontactthelocaldealerorqualifiedpersonn...

Page 12: ...P DisplayPort toHDMIcablemaycausecompatibilityissues UseacertifiedcablewiththeHDMIlogoattached IfyoudonotuseacertifiedHDMIcable thescreenmaynot displayoraconnectionerrormayoccur RecommendedHDMIcabletypes High SpeedHDMI TM cable High SpeedHDMI TM cablewithEthernet Connecting AV Devices HDMI Connection HDMItransmitsdigitalvideoandaudiosignalsfromyourAVdevicetothemonitor NOTE UsingaDVItoHDMI DP Displ...

Page 13: ... Button Menu Status Description Main menu disabled Enablesthemainmenu Main menu enabled Exitsthemainmenu Holdingdownthebuttonmorethan3secondstoturnoffthemonitor Youcanturnoffthemonitorthiswayatanytime includingwhentheOSDison Main menu disabled Adjuststhemonitorvolumelevel Main menu enabled EnterstheInputfeatures Main menu disabled Adjuststhemonitorvolumelevel Main menu enabled EnterstheSettingsfea...

Page 14: ...ureMode Setsthepicturemode Exit Exitsthemainmenu Menu Settings 1 ToviewtheOSDmenu pressthejoystickbuttonatthebottomofthemonitorandthenentertheSettings 2 Movethejoystickup downandleft righttosettheoptions 3 Toreturntotheuppermenuorsetothermenuitems movethejoystickto orpressing it 4 IfyouwanttoexittheOSDmenu movethejoystickto untilyouexit QuickSettings Input Picture General NOTE On Off ...

Page 15: ...rtoabluishtone Manual Theusercanfine tunethecolortemperature Input Settings Input Description InputList Selectstheinputmode AspectRatio Adjuststheaspectratioofthescreen FullWide Displaysthevideoinwidescreen regardlessofthevideosignalinput Original Displaysvideoaccordingtotheaspectratioofthevideosignalinput Cinema1 Enlargesthescreenwithanaspectratioof21 9 Cinema2 Enlargesthescreenwithanaspectratioo...

Page 16: ...highdynamicrange O X Reader Optimizesthescreenforreadingdocuments YoucanbrightenthescreenintheOSDmenu O X Cinema Optimizesthescreentoimprovethevisualeffectsofavideo O O FPS ThismodeisoptimizedforFPSgames O O RTS ThismodeisoptimizedforRTSGame O O ColorWeakness Thismodeisforuserswhocannotdistinguishbetweenredandgreen Itenablesuserswithcolorweaknesstoeasilydistinguish betweenthetwocolors O X NOTE Ift...

Page 17: Bestforstillimagesorimageswithlessmovement Off Displaysinthemostcommonsetting DisablesSUPERRESOLUTION NOTE Becausethisisafunctiontoincreasethesharpnessoflowresolutionpictures itisnotrecommendedtousethefunctionfornormaltextorfordesktopicons Doingso mayresultinunnecessarilyhighsharpness BlackLevel Setstheoffsetlevel forHDMIonly Offset asareferenceforavideosignal thisisthedarkestcolorthemonitorcan...

Page 18: ...cCard AgraphiccardthatsupportsAMD sFreeSyncisnecessary SupportedVersion Makesuretoupdatethegraphiccardtothelatestdriver Formoreinformationandrequirement refertoAMDwebsiteathttp www amd com FreeSync On FreeSyncfunctionon Off FreeSyncfunctionoff BlackStabilizer Youcancontroltheblackcontrasttohavebettervisibilityindarkscenes IncreasingtheBlackStabilizervaluebrightensthelowgraylevelareaonthescreen You...

Page 19: ...etone Cool Setsthescreencolortoabluishtone Manual Theusercanfine tunethecolortemperature Red Green Blue YoucancustomizethepicturecolorusingRed Green andBluecolors SixColor Meetstheuserrequirementsforcolorsbyadjustingthehueandsaturationofthesixcolors red green blue cyan magenta andyellow andthensavingthesettings Hue Adjuststhetoneofthescreencolors Saturation Adjuststhesaturationofthescreencolors Th...

Page 20: ...w monitorluminancebecomelowerorhigherdependonsource PowerLED On ThepowerLEDturnson Off ThepowerLEDturnsoff AutomaticStandby Featurethatautomaticallyturnsoffthemonitorwhenthereisnomovementonthescreenforaperiodoftime Youcansetatimerfortheauto offfunction 8H 6H 4HandOff OSDLock Thisfeaturedisablestheconfigurationandadjustmentofmenus On EnablesOSDLock Off DisablesOSDLock NOTE Allfeaturesaredisabledexc...

Page 21: ...ftheselectedresolutionisHDMI1080i60 50Hz interlaced thescreenmaybeflickering Changetheresolutionto1080portherecommended resolution Notsettingthegraphicscardtotherecommended optimal resolutionmayresultinblurredtext adimmedscreen atruncateddisplayareaor misalignmentofthedisplay Thesettingmethodsmaybedifferentdependingonthecomputeroroperatingsystem andsomeresolutionsmaynotbeavailabledependingonthe pe...

Page 22: ...rfromourwebsite http www lg com MakesuretocheckifthegraphicscardsupportsPlugandPlayfunction No sound from the headphone port Areimagesdisplayedwithoutsound Makesurethattheheadphoneportconnectionsaremadeproperly Tryincreasingthevolumewiththejoystick SettheaudiooutputofthePCtothemonitoryouareusing Thesettingsmaydifferdependingontheoperatingsystem OS youuse ...


Page 24: ...Stand 9 6 kg 21 1 lbs WithoutStand 4 9 kg 10 8 lbs Thespecificationsaresubjecttochangewithoutnotice The symbolmeansalternatingcurrent andthesymbol meansdirectcurrent Thepowerconsumptionlevelcanbedifferentbyoperatingconditionandmonitorsetting TheOnmodepowerconsumptionismeasuredwithLGEteststandard FullWhitepattern Maximumresolution ThemonitorgoestotheSleepModeinacoupleofminutes Max5minutes ...

Page 25: ...31 469 59 94 640x480 37 5 75 800x600 37 879 60 317 800x600 46 875 75 1024x768 48 363 60 1024x768 60 123 75 029 1152x864 53 697 60 1280x720 45 60 1280x1024 63 981 60 02 1280x1024 79 976 75 025 1600x900 60 60 1680x1050 65 29 59 954 1920x1080 67 5 60 2560x1080 66 636 59 98 RecommendMode 2560x1080 83 915 74 99 2560x1440 88 86 59 95 OnlyforXBOX ...

Page 26: ...reset Mode Horizontal Frequency kHz Vertical Frequency Hz Remarks 480p 31 5 60 576P 31 25 50 720p 37 5 50 720p 45 0 60 1080p 56 25 50 1080p 67 5 60 2160p 67 5 30 Power LED Mode LED Color OnMode White Forafewseconds SleepMode StandbyMode Off OffMode Off ...

Page 27: ...kness 318 Picture PictureAdjust 32 Picture PictureAdjust Brightness 321 Picture PictureAdjust Brightness 3211Slider Picture PictureAdjust Contrast 322 Picture PictureAdjust Contrast 3221Slider Picture PictureAdjust Sharpness 323 Picture PictureAdjust Sharpness 3231Slider Picture PictureAdjust SUPERRESOLUTION 324 Picture PictureAdjust SUPERRESOLUTION High 3241 Menu Location Picture PictureAdjust SU...

Page 28: ...aturation 34641Slider Picture ColorAdjust SixColor BlueHue 3465 Picture ColorAdjust SixColor BlueHue 34651Slider Picture ColorAdjust SixColor BlueSaturation 3466 Picture ColorAdjust SixColor BlueSaturation 34661Slider Picture ColorAdjust SixColor CyanHue 3467 Picture ColorAdjust SixColor CyanHue 34671Slider Picture ColorAdjust SixColor CyanSaturation 3468 Picture ColorAdjust SixColor CyanSaturatio...

Page 29: ...ff 523 General PowerLED 53 General PowerLED 53Toggle General AutomaticStandby 54 General AutomaticStandby Off 541 General AutomaticStandby 4H 542 General AutomaticStandby 6H 543 General AutomaticStandby 8H 544 General OSDLock 55 General OSDLock 55Toggle General Information 56 General Information 561 General ResettoInitialSetting 57 General ResettoInitialSetting Yes 571 General ResettoInitialSettin...

Page 30: ...ononesideoftheproduct Recordthembelowincaseyoueverneedservice Model SerialNo Supplier s Declaration of Conformity TradeName LG ResponsibleParty LGElectronicsUSA Inc Address 111SylvanAvenue NorthBuilding EnglewoodCliffs NJ07632 E mail lg environmental lge com ...
