Flash 36, Button 1-2 (GHX-308A), Button1-4(GHX-616): Flexible Station Numbers
Button 1 : Port 1 - 4 ( Default : 100-103 )
Button 2 : Port 5 - 8 ( Default : 104-107 )
Button 3 : Port 9 - 12 (Default : 108-111) (GHX-616)
Button 4 : Port 13-16 (Default : 112-115) (GHX-616)
Dial the 4 station numbers(each 3 digit) after press the button 1-4.
Hold Preference
The system allows either exclusive or system hold as the primary hold on the first depression of the HOLD button
depending on programming.
System Hold
When a line is placed on system hold, any station in the system with access to that line can retrieve the call.
Exclusive Hold
When a line is placed on exclusive hold, no other station in the system can retrieve this call.
Hold Recall
If an held line is not re-seized within a programmable length of time (System /Exclusive /Transfer /Call Park Recall
Timer), recall ring (for the duration of the associated Hold Recall Timer) is sent to the station placing the call on hold. If
this recall is not answered, a recall ring is sent to the attendant (for the duration of the Attendant Recall Timer), and if
the attendant doesn't answer, a recall is sent to all phones in the system.
To place a call on Hold;
- If the system is programmed to have system hold preferred (Program Code: Flash 10), press
HOLD button once for System, twice for Exclusive Hold.
Hold Retrieve
(To retrieve a call on Hold)
- Press flashing CO line button on Hold or dial Retrieve code.
Feature Code
1. HF 8: (SLT) System Hold Code
2. 89xx, 8#xx : (xx=CO line number, 4/8 Button, SLT) Retrieve CO on hold
3. 8* : (4/8 Button, SLT) Retrieve CO on hold (Held by itself)
1. Flash 01 : System Hold Recall Timer
2. Flash 02 : Exclusive Hold Recall Timer
3. Flash 03 : Transfer Recall Timer
4. Flash 33 : Attendant Recall Timer
5. Flash 06 : Call Park Recall Timer
6. Flash 11 : Hold Preference
Related Feature
1. Attendant Recall
2. Call Park
3. Call Transfer
When an exclusive hold line recalls the attendant the status of the hold line changes from exclusive to system