How to remove the Pull Out Tray
Fully extend the Pull-Out-Tray and lift the front then pull it out slowly.
Please do not hold the bottom of the tray when slide the tray in, as it could catch your hand.
Unpleasant odor of food in fresh food
compartment is deodorized with no harm to
you and the food.
How to use
As Deodorizer is located in cooling air inlet for circulating air in fresh food compartment, there is
no need for any handling.
Do not prick the cooling air inlet with a sharp tip because Deodorizer may be damaged.
When storing food with a strong odor, wrap it or store it in a container with a lid because odor may be
passed on to other foods.
Re-Using of Deodorizer
Used some length and the odor is strong,
Deodorizer can be revived and re-used.
Separate Deodorizer in ceiling of refrigerator
compartment, using hair drier to remove
moisture or malodor and oxidize under sunlight
to decomposing malodor by ultraviolet.