• For the safety, pull out the power plug before cleaning.
• After washing the antibiotic ultra-fine filter with water, completely dry it in shadow.
(If there is moisture, it may cause failure.)
Push antibiotic ultra-fine filter to the right to
take it out.
Completely dry in shade and push to the left
until the antibiotic ultra-fine filter is not pushed
any more.
Clean the antibiotic ultra-fine filter with vac-
uum cleaner or soft brush.
- If the contamination is severe, wash with
water using neutral detergent.
(Do not use hot water of 40°C or higher.)
- The cleaning period for antibiotic ultra-fine fil-
ter is 1 month.
How to clean Antibiotic ultra-fine filter
1,MFL69020710,영어 2017. 8. 25. 오전 10:26 페이지 24