WIT-400H User Manual
Issue: 0.1A
Date: 28/July/2009
This Document Contains proprietary information and may not be reproduced or copied without express
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1. We support time formats yyyy/mm/dd, mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy.
Deleting a Schedule Item
1. Select the left soft key [Menu] in the Monthly schedule management screen, select Delete, and
then press the
2. Popup menus including Delete past, Multiple delete and Delete all will be display
3. Select Delete past and press the
key to delete all schedule items prior to today.
4. Select Multiple delete and press the
key. A screen asking you to specify the term to delete
schedule items for will then appear. In this screen, input the desired term and press the
to delete the schedule items within the specified period.
5. Select Delete all, and press the
key to delete all of the schedule items.
2. Delete past does not delete schedules prior to current time today.
Set holiday
1. Select the left soft key [Menu] in the Monthly schedule management screen, select Holiday and
then press the
key to display the Holiday configuration popup window.