Q: What is hard water?
A: According to the U.S. Geological Survey, more than 85
percent of the United States geography has hard water. Hard
water forms when naturally occurring minerals enter water
sources. Over time these minerals are absorbed by groundwater.
The two most common types of minerals found in hard water
are calcium and magnesium compounds. The Water Quality
Association of the United States defines hard water as water
containing dissolved hardness minerals above 1 GPG (grains
per gallon). The most common hardness causing minerals are
Calcium and Magnesium. Levels of hardness are classified as
Soft Water - less than 1 GPG,
Slightly hard - 1 to 3.5 GPG
Moderately hard - 3.5 to 7 GPG
Hard - 7 to 10.5 GPG
Very Hard - 10.5 and higher GPG
Q: Why do I want to adjust the amperage on my
Water Ionizer?
A: As you know, all water sources are not created equal.
Your water source plays an important role on how your water
Ionizer creates Ionized Alkaline Water. Being able to adjust
the amperage will allow you to find the optimum pH for the
best production of Alkaline Ionized water based on your water