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Note: A wireless heart rate monitoring device must be used for the program to work. It is also
important to consult your physician before performing any Heart Rate based training program.
There are 5 Heart Rate Control programs: % Target Heart Rate, HR 80% Cardio, HR 65% Fat Burn,
HR Hill 65% – 75% – 85% and HR Interval. Below are the program details:
% Target Heart Rate:
Allows the users to select their own percentage of
maximum heart rate that you would like to maintain during your exercise session.
The range of percentages is 50% to 85%. (See section titled MONITORING
YOUR HEART RATE for more information)
HR 80% Cardio:
Maintains your target heart rate at 80% of max heart rate by
automatically adjusting the tension levels to maintain that percentage. This is a
good program for people who want to have a high intensity, cardiovascular
HR 65% Fat Burn:
Maintains one’s target heart rate at 65% of max heart rate by
automatically adjusting the tension levels to maintain that percentage. This is a
good program for people who want a fat burning workout.
HR Hill 65%-75%-85%:
Simulates hill training by changing the target heart rate
thru three different percentages during the workout. The changes will occur as
follows: 65% - 75% - 85% - 75% - 65% -75% - 85% etc. Each percentage will be
held for three minutes before changing to the next percentage.
HR Interval:
This program alternates between 65% and 85% of your max heart
rate. This program provides an excellent fat burning and cardiovascular workout.
Each percentage will be held for four minutes before alternating to the next