declaration of conformity 1
declaration of ViBration emiSSion 2
tecHnical SPecificationS 32
macHine USe 33
lift trUcK deScriPtion 33
Safety eQUiPment 34
PlateS 35
HandlinG and Start-UP 35
oPeration ....................................................................................................pages 36/37
maintenance ...............................................................................................pages 38/39
troUBle-SHootinG ....................................................................................pages 40/42
Warranty 43
this manual contains all the instructions for the use of the machine and the necessary
knowledge for its correct use.
While thanking you for buying our truck we would like to draw your attention to some im-
portant aspects of this manual:
-this booklet gives useful indications for the correct use and maintenance of the fork lift truck
to which it refers; it is, therefore, essential to pay great attention to all the paragraphs that
illustrate the simplest and safest way of using the truck;
-this booklet must be considered an integral part of the truck and should be included at the
moment of sale.
-no part of this publication may be reproduced without the written authorisation of the
-all the information contained in this booklet is based on the data available at the time of
printing; the manufacturer reserves the right to modify its products at any time, without notice
and without liability. it is therefore advisable to regularly check for any changes.