User’s Manual
3XML Alexandra RCA head*
Light-for-me 3XML Alexandra head:
- 3 x XML diodes
- 4
red signalling diode
- 3600 lumens
- light angle: 13 degrees
- 36 W
- piezo switch
- three modes of light: 10%, 50% and 100%
- control over LEDs temperature
- control over battery pack discharge
- made from anodised aluminium
- detachable cable
- cable length:
standard: 110cm
SideMount (custom made): up to 123cm
3XML Alexandra head can be powered by light-for-me ACCUS with compatible RCA cable
entry point. Burn time (given at 100% power) depends on the battery pack and is as
ACCU XS 4.4Ah:
ACCU S 6.6Ah:
ACCU M 11.25Ah:
ACCU L 20Ah:
Given burn times may differ from actual burn time +/- 10%.
Given burn times are based on battery packs provided by light-for-me only.
Given burn times are based on one head connected only.
4th red signalling diode - this diode lights up when:
- there is a break in connection head - battery pack; this can happen if the RCA plug was
not connected properly to the port or when the RCA plug or port are rusty/dirty;
- the battery pack voltage is too low to power the head;
- there is an error on the driver board.
In all the above situations the red diode flashes
*This manual refers to 3XML Alexandra head & 3XML Alexandra Heavy-Duty hea