` M a n d a l a R e s o n a t o r U s e r M a n u a l
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material to different carriers. Place the Mandala Resonator in front of the goal, which
should be facing north, to receive the energy (North). Place the original substances
or objects to be transferred in the back pocket of the Mandala Resonator (South).
Switch on Mandala Resonator in Torsion mode for 15 minutes to transfer energy.
b. Tips for energy transferring usage.
Mandala Resonator is now available for use in
all of your current projects. We can pass the essential oil energy, for example, when
producing candles, soap, painting, engraving, and other crafts. Simply place the
Mandala Resonator in a north-south orientation during the manufacturing process,
and the energy of the various substances/objects will be transferred and assimilated
into the finished products.
*Notes: The energy that is transmitted to a specific object will have a different
retention rate or period depending on the materials used and the energy reaction
that object has with others. If we transmit energy to a crystal and a plastic casing,
for example, the energy in the crystal will persist longer than the energy in the
plastic case. On the other hand, if the transferred object is placed in a high-vibration
environment, the energy can survive longer than if it is placed in a low-vibration
environment. The explanation for this is because everything in the universe vibrates
and resonates with each other. When a positive vibration collides with a negative
vibration, the positive one resonates and balances the bad side, but its own energy
is consumed. If it is not charged, the total energy will decrease with time.