SFA-5000 • SFA-10000 DeviceNet
05-Inst-07 Produced connection size
[UINT, ro]
Maximum number of bytes transmitted in this connection.
05-Inst-08 Consumed connection size
[UINT, ro]
Maximum number of bytes received in this connection.
05-Inst-09 Expected packet rate
[UINT, rw]
This attribute is meant to set the time between two subsequent “I/O message”
transmissions (Transmission Trigger Timer) and the Inactivity/Watchdog Timer.
05-Inst-0C Watchdog time-out action
[USINT, ro]
This attribute defines the action the Connection Object should perform when
the Inactivity/Watchdog Timer gap has expired.
Default = 01h: the Connection Class automatically closes the connection after
the Inactivity/Watchdog Timer gap has expired.
05-Inst-0D Produced connection path length
[UINT, ro]
This attribute specifies the number of bytes the
attribute consists of.
05-Inst-0E Produced connection path
[EPATH, ro]
This attribute is fitted with a byte stream which defines the Application Object(s)
whose data is to be produced by this Connection Object.
05-Inst-0F Consumed connection path length
[UINT, ro]
This attribute specifies the number of bytes the
attribute consists of.
05-Inst-10 Consumed connection path
[EPATH, ro]
This attribute is fitted with a byte stream which defines the Application Object(s)
whose data is to be received by this Connection Object.
MAN SFA_5000_10000_FD E 1.0.odt
DeviceNet interface
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