Server settings contain PDR-400IP server's system information such as MAC address,
firmware version, users, system clock, and other system commands.
To change or use the information, please follow the instructions in this chapter.
MAC address
MAC address stands for Media Access Control. In short, MAC address can represent unique
identification for IP-based products.
Firmware Version
Firmware update allows a user to upgrade PDR-400IP's firmware remotely and get more
features. A user can use firmware version to verify that if the device has the latest update.
Note: Firmware upgrade can improve PDR-400IP system performance. Please contact
authorized dealer to perform firmware upgrade.
Device Name
The device name can be used by IPScan utility to identify the PDR-400IP. To change the
device name, enter the name for PDR-400IP and click on Submit button.
Server Setting
General Settings
User Settings
To change account name, please type new account name in Account edit box. To change new
password, please type the new password in the New Password edit box. Click on Submit button
to update the user settings.