Selecting your dose
You can give from 1 to 60 units in a single injection.
If your dose is more than 60 units, you will need to give more than 1 injection.
If you need help with dividing up your dose the right way, ask your healthcare provider.
Use a new Needle for each injection and repeat the priming step.
Step 9:
Turn the Dose Knob to select the number of
units you need to inject. The Dose Indicator
should line up with your dose.
The Pen dials 1 unit at a time.
The Dose Knob clicks as you turn it.
Do not
dial your dose by counting the
clicks. You may dial the wrong dose.
This may lead to you getting too much
insulin or not enough insulin.
The dose can be corrected by turning
the Dose Knob in either direction until
the correct dose lines up with the Dose
numbers (for example, 12)
are printed on the dial.
numbers, (for example, 25)
after the number 1, are shown as full
Always check the number in the Dose
Window to make sure you have dialed
the correct dose.
(Example: 12 units shown
in the Dose Window)
(Example: 25 units shown
in the Dose Window)
The Pen will not let you dial more than the number of units left in the Pen.
If you need to inject more than the number of units left in the Pen, you may either:
inject the amount left in your Pen and then use a new Pen to give the rest of your dose,
get a new Pen and inject the full dose.
It is normal to see a small amount of insulin left in the Pen that you can not inject.
Giving your injection
Inject your insulin as your healthcare provider has shown you.
Change (rotate) your injection site for each injection.
Do not
try to change your dose while injecting.