mod. 470-480L-490L-480N-490N GB
Cast iron rings
Fumes conveyor
At least one per year or every time it’s necessary
The inside cleaning must be done always when the stove is cold. All the necessary
equipment should be prepared before operations.
Remove the two cast iron rings from the top, employing the hook poker, and clean
carefully the stove’ s inside and fumes conveyor from residuals with a vacuum cleaner.
When the cleaning operations are finished, reassemble the stove parts.
Cleaning Internal Lateral Exhaust gas fumes
Mod. 490L – 490N
At least one per year or every time it’s necessary
The inside cleaning must be done always when the stove is cold.
All the necessary equipment should be prepared before operations.
The cleaning of lateral exhaust gas fumes should be done
removing the flame conveyor then employing the hook
poker clean the internal parts ( as in the picture)
When the cleaning operations are finished, reassemble the
stove parts.
Internal exhaust gas fumes cleaning mod. 480L – 490L – 480N – 490N
At least one per year or every time it’s necessary
The operation should be done by a qualify staff, because the top should be removed
All the necessary equipment should be prepared before operations
Unscrew the frame from the cast iron top.
Unscrew the rest of fixing screws of cast iron top. Remove the top making attention to the
combustion residuals.
Clean the inside stove parts removing every combustion residuals.
Reassemble the stove to proceed to the assembly being repeated the operations in inverse
Mod. 470