IS 576 ECN 3872
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Water Boiler wells
Ensure the water boiler wells are filled with water before turning on. Ensure the wells
water levels are maintained during operation.
Switch on the power using the On/Off switch next to the electronic controller. The
switch neon illuminates to indicate power.
The electronic controller for the water boiler wells has a range of 20 Deg C to 99
Deg C, and is factory set at 82 Deg C. On switching the unit on (A), the digital
readout (B) displays the current temperature within the tank. Pressing the ‘Set’
button (C) once displays the temperature the cupboard is currently set to reach. To
adjust this temperature, hold down the
‘Set’ button for 3 seconds and then set the
required temperature by using the adjust buttons (D and E) on the controller
digital readout then returns to show the current temperature.
The element symbol (F) is extinguished when the required temperature is reached.
After use and with the water boiler wells turned off, allow the water to cool and use
the drain tube provided to empty the water well via the valve on the rear side of the
cupboard. Clean out the tank and refill with fresh water regularly.
Carter-Hoffmann C
risp ‘N’ Hold
The On/Off switch is located at the rear of the unit.
After use ensure the unit is cleaned and wiped down. Removal of the crumb tray is
possible from lifting out the chip collection holder.
See unit instructions for more details.
Heated Gantry
Top and middle shelf on the gantry has two controls each operating 3 x heat lamps
the shelf is split in to two half’s LH side and RH side.
The lower gantry shelf has 2 x heat lamps over the pass through area each has
their own switch.