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LGISDNeng 6.5
c. Set the impulsion for taxation
Generate a taxe impulsion beetween 0 to 99 seconds.
d. Setting of outgoing (GSM) et incoming( ISDN) volume
The “Volume” field allows adjusting call volume in both the outgoing direction (“GSM“ field)
and the incoming direction (“ISDN“ field). Volume in the outgoing direction can be set in
degrees 1 to 7 while in the incoming direction from 1 to 4.
e. Call baring
Permission of outgoing or incoming calls
f. Redirection to GSM module
In case of marking the”Re-route in GSM2“(GSM1) field, “overflow” of the enabled directions
(selection see below) in the adjacent channel is allowed. If the channel with the enabled
direction is already busy calling, the gate will not refuse the call, but it will utilize the other
channel (even if the direction is not on the list of enabled directions for this channel). .
g. Baring Call Configuration
On each module you can allow incoming and / or outgoing calls.
Up to 12 blocks of enabled directions can be selected in each GSM module. The table of the
enabled directions is accessible after clicking on the “ Enabled directions” button. If the table is
not filled in, all directions are enabled. 1- up to 8-digit numbers can be w ritten in the first
column of the table. The program substitutes any digits instead of not filled in digits from the
right w hich checking the enabled direction. This means, instead of w riting the numbers
601,602,…609, it is possible to w rite only 60. Listing of enabled directions in groups is new in
this program version. If the operator has three successive numbers differing from each other
only by the last digit, this direction can be written as a group on a single line: the first column
contains up to 8-digit number of the first direction (“from”) as in the case mentioned above and
the last digit of the last direction is stored in the second column (i.e. the last digit of “to”) – see
Fig. A group may be created only w ithin the range of one order of the last position – i.e. from 0
to 9! By proper filling in the tables of both modules (one module e.g. T- Mobile code, the other
module Orange code), it is possible to achieve automatic re-routing of the outgoing call in the
module allow ing cheaper calling through the given operator (LCR).
Caution! The values are loaded in the table only after pressing the Enter button, marking
it w ith cursor or by mouse clicking on another field of the table!
After clicking on the “ Enabled directions” button, the table w ill be verified before closing. The
operator is notified of wrong numbers or duplicate selection of values.
In order the verified
data can be sent to the gate from the table, close the tables before transfer! If they
remain open, they w ill be closed automatically and a check of data w ill be performed
before transfer. In the event of errors in the tables, transfer w ill be blocked. After
clearing the errors, transfer has to be repeated.