Linksys E2000
Chapter 1: Product Overview
Advanced Wireless-N Router
Chapter 1: Product Overview
Thank you for choosing the Linksys E2000 Advanced
Wireless-N Router . The Router lets you access the Internet
via a wireless connection or through one of its four
switched ports . You can also use the Router to share
resources, such as computers, printers and files . A variety
of security features help to protect your data and your
privacy while you are online . Security features include Wi-
Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) security, a Stateful Packet
Inspection (SPI) firewall and Network Address Translation
(NAT) technology .
Setup and use of the Router is easy using Cisco Connect,
the software that is installed when you run the included
CD . Advanced configuration of the Router is available
through the provided browser-based utility .
1, 2, 3, 4
(Green/Blue) These numbered LEDs,
corresponding with the numbered ports on
the Router’s back panel, serve two purposes .
The LED is continuously lit when the Router
is connected to a device through that port . It
flashes to indicates network activity over that
port . Green indicates Gigabit speeds, and blue
indicates 10/100 speeds .
Wi-Fi Protected Setup Button
If you have
client devices, such as wireless adapters,
that support Wi-Fi Protected Setup, then you
can use the Wi-Fi Protected Setup button to
automatically configure wireless security for
your wireless network(s) .
To use Wi-Fi Protected Setup, refer to
(Blue) The Wireless LED lights up
when the wireless feature is enabled . If the LED
is flashing, the Router is actively sending or
receiving data over the network .
(Blue) The Internet LED lights up
when there is a connection made through the
Internet port . A flashing LED indicates network
activity over the Internet port .
(Blue) The Power LED lights up when
the Router is powered on . When the Router goes
through its self-diagnostic mode during every
boot-up, the LED flashes . When the diagnostic
is complete, the LED is continuously lit .
Using an Ethernet cable (also called
a network or Internet cable), this Gigabit
port connects the Router to your Internet
connection, which is typically a cable or Digital
Subscriber Line (DSL) modem .
4, 3, 2, 1
Using Ethernet cables, these Gigabit
Ethernet ports (4, 3, 2, 1) connect the Router to
computers and other Ethernet network devices
on your wired network .
There are two ways to reset the Router
to its factory defaults . Either press and hold the
Reset button for approximately five seconds,
or restore the defaults from
Factory Defaults
in the Router’s browser-based
utility .
The Power port connects to the
included power adapter .