Installation Guide Linear Rotary Motors
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NTI AG / LinMot
Parameter tree: Analog Force Feedback Config
Due to the definition of the DEFAULT positive direction of rotation/stroke, it is recommended
to invert the +-10VDC signal via software. This means that for pa
rameter “0V/-10V Force”
the positive maximum value and for parameter “+10V Force” the negative maximum value
of the torque measuring shaft/force sensor is set.
By changing the direction of rotation/stroke the setting of parameters “0V/-10V Force” and
“10V Force” need to be changed as well.
0V/-10V Force (UPID 1501h)
= Positive max. value (e.g. 2.5Nm)
10V Force (UPID 1502h)
= Negative max. value (e.g. -2.5Nm)
Speed Filter Time (UPID 150Ah)
= 1000us
Acceleration Filter Time (UPID 150Dh)
= 1000us
Parameter tree: Force Control Parameters
The parameters for the torque/force control loop are set here. A PID controller, a few feed forward
parameters (FF parameters) and a parameter for limiting the maximum control current (Force Ctrl Max
Current) are available for this purpose.
To begin with, work with a pure I-controller to prevent the motor from oscillating during torque
Limit the maximum control current in order to avoid damage if incorrect handling occurs
during commissioning.
6.7.3 Initial Test of a Torque Measuring Shaft / Force Sensor
It’s recommended to proceed an initial test of a sensor using the LinMot-Talk Variable before entering
operational state.
1. Log into the drive using LinMot-Talk software and open the control panel.
2. Switch on the motor (e.g. rotary motor) using the ControlWord (Switch On). The motor will stay within
position control mode.
Using the button “Add Variable” add the variables “Target Force” and “Measured Force” (MC SW
Force Control).