LinMot Linear-Rotary Motors
Emergency crank in applications on rotary disk
A fast turning rotary disk can not be stopped quickly during a loss of power emergency. This means the linear-
rotary motor could be damaged if the rod is unpowered in the extended position and collides with other fixtures or
tooling. An emergency guide profile at the point of possible collision helps to solve this situation by lifting the slider
motor into the up position to prevent damage to other machinery.
The following picture shows a possible application of an emergency crank with the Multifunction flange MF01-
PR01-84x80-37 (Art.-No 0250-2323 see page 40). One of the two guiding rods can also be replaced by a
MagSpring to balance the load.
Picture: At the critical position the crank forces the moving part of the linear-rotary motor up in case of a power
NTI AG/ LinMot