Audio Modules
Snare 2
The Snare 2 module combines a noise oscillator and a pitched oscillator that incorporates
a specially designed "Knarks" control. The "Knarks" control adds a unique sound
(reminiscent of the word "knarks") to the module's output. The "Knarks" effect is created by
crossmodulating the noise source and the oscillator.
The Snare 2 Percussion Synthesis module contains the following controls:
The Mix control is used to adjust the mix of the "Knarks" oscillator and the Noise Oscillator.
The Decay control is used to determine the rate at which the mixed sound decays.
Noise Colour:
The Noise Colour control setting determines the frequency spectrum
of the noise oscillator's output. As it is crossmodulated with the
pitched oscillator, the setting of this control directly affects the sound
of the output.
Noise (Res)onance: The Noise Res(onance) control is used to set the amount of
emphasis around the noise oscillator's cutoff frequency. Higher
settings create a more pronounced peak in the signal while lower
settings produce a flatter response.
Noise Decay:
The Noise Decay (Time) control determines how fast the noise
oscillator output decays after it is triggered. The decay time increases
as the dial is turned in a clockwise direction.
Noise Env(elope) Mod(ulation):
The Noise Env(elope) Mod(ulation) control is used to
set the degree to which the noise oscillator's filter cutoff frequency is
modulated by the oscillator's amplitude envelope
Reference Manual 5.0.1