Customer Training Guide
Pre-Launch Wave Glider® SV3
08033 Rev A
Thrudder Compass Correction:
Auto filled
The system has been converted from manually entering compass heading corrections to
a new automated system.
In the information box the text should read “Thrudder
compass is NOT corrected”.
Fixed heading test (spin):
(Option 1)
– Follow Fixed Heading – Heading (deg) Example (270) – Enter command
– Set Com Channel - Click Send – Once command has acted, physically spin glider and
see if it aligns with the heading given. (Ensure Auto Avoidance is turned OFF)
(Option 2)
OBSP - Operate - Thrudder - Heading (Set Heading) - Set Rudder Heading
Note: Double check fixed headings by looking at Desired Heading (deg) and Sub Heading (deg)
SH. Once aligned 5 degrees difference between the two is OK. This test is performed to
observe that the Thrudder moves as expected once in the water.
Desired Heading (minus) Actual Heading = Navigation Error
Navigation Error (times) 80% (No Thrust) 50% (Thrust) = Rudder Angle
Example: Desired Heading = 260° - Actual Heading = 270° / Navigation Error = 10°
1. Rudder Angle = 8° (No thrust/Pre-Launch)
Note: It is possible to change these parameters in the OBSP
– Operate – Thruster – It is NOT
recommended to change these factory settings.
Waypoint course test (spin):
At Liquid Robotics (Sunnyvale) there are 4 waypoints dropped around the corners of the
building. They then set vehicles on the sequential course and roll the Wave Glider to the points
making sure they navigate in each direction, and change direction once in the arrival distance
At Liquid Robotics (Hawaii) the WG is set on the sequential course that it will be running while
on mission. The glider is then rotated in a circle to view the Thrudder operating while targeting
the first initial WP.
– Follow Sequential Course – From Waypoint (X) - To Waypoint (Y) - Target
Waypoint will be the waypoint the glider will go to first.
– Enter command reason – Set
Com Channel - Click Send - Physically spin/turn the glider to see if it will target the
desired waypoint. (Ensure Auto Avoidance and Line Following are turned OFF)
Note: There needs to be
WP’s loaded onto the WG and WGMS before this process can take