Your LiteHawk SNAP comes with a LiPo battery which is inside the model. The rechargeable
Li-Po battery provides the power to propel your model at high speeds. You should expect
5-8 min run time. However you do need to make sure to properly maintain your Li-Po
- Li-Po batteries don’t like to be run down too low. If the voltage is dropped dramatically
they will be damaged and will not recharge! Once the model starts to slow, drive your model
to a safe place, walk over and turn it off.
- It is recommend to charge the battery after your run and to always store the battery with
a charge. Never discharge or dead short a Li-Po battery!
Always have your model turned off when not in use.
1/ Open the battery cover located at the front of the quadcopter and carefully remove the
How to charge the Litehawk SNAP:
Stunt Flip
Users can do a forward flip
with the SNAP by pressing the
Flip button and moving the
right stick UP simultaneously.
To flip backwards, press the
Flip button and move the right
stick DOWN simultaneously.
Make sure you do flips in a
large, unobstructed space!
Stunt Flip left/right:
Users can do a left flip with the
SNAP by pressing the Flip
button and moving the right
stick LEFT simultaneously. To
flip right, press the Flip button
and move the right stick
RIGHT simultaneously. Make
sure you do flips in a large,
unobstructed space!
Protective Rotor Guards: SNAP comes with 4 rotor
guards that can easily be installed by placing the
guard over the blade and pressing down on top the
motor housing. It is a press fit.
High Lift Landing Gear: included in the spare parts
bag are two optional landing gear legs. These are
optional extras that raise the height of the SNAP.
These are press fit and are permanent.
LiteHawk SNAP Instruction Manual