Program Custom Drills
The program function allows you to create your own drills and set up your own
training exercises. You may create sequences of shots with anywhere from 1 to 6
balls that will cycle. This allows for many more combinations that will always give
you new challenges. There are limitations to what the machine can do…
please read
this carefully
• The serving wheels can speed up faster than they can slow down. Fast shots
followed by slow shots or drastic changes in spin will produce shots out the
back of the court if used with fast feed rates. If you wish to use faster feed
rates, keep your changes in speed and spin incremental. A good guide is not to
change the speed more than your feed rate times 5 in miles per hour (treat
each level of spin as 5 MPH).
As an example
: A feed rate of 4 sec will let you have up to 20 mph of change
or 4 levels of spin.
• Certain combinations of speed and spin will not stay within the court. If a
setting will not produce a viable shot, the display will blink to tell you that the
shot is not possible and remain at the previous setting.
• When you have filled up the 6th shot in a program, selecting next will
automatically take you to the overall program screen.
Create Your First Custom Drill
1. Press the PROGRAM button
2. The screen will prompt you to select a location
for your first shot. Press any of the 1 - 18
buttons to advance to the
Shot Parameters Screen.
3. The machine is programmed to throw one ball
to the location selected. You may now adjust the
shot parameters for this shot:
• Speed – Choose from 40 to 80 MPH in
5 mph increments.
• Spin – Increase and decrease top and back spin up to three levels.
• Feed – Adjust ball feed rate between random and 2 - 9 seconds.
(applied to the entire program)
4. When the shot is satisfactory, use the menu buttons
to highlight the
“Next + Back –” line. Press
to choose the location and shot parameters for
the next shot in your drill or
to return to overall program screen.
P#1 SHOT#1 LOC ?
Press a location
To prgrm shot, or
Press – to erase
P#1 SHOT#1 LOC?*
Spin :0 FEED: 4
Next + Back -
*will display your selected location