Doc. Ref.No: Q875-0143/ENG
Issue 2
Met 30+ Operating Manual
Once the setup is complete the parameters are displayed:
Met30+ 1f
Met30 + 3f
W=100 H= (32000)
W=100 H= (32000)
G=H P= 0.0°
G=H P= 0.0° F=H
Press SELECT to return to the normal running display. The automatic setup is now
5.4.6 Adjust Reject Timer (r) :
This option allows adjustment of all basic timer parameters: delay time, reject time,
photocell delay time and alarm time.
Each parameter is adjusted in turn. If the system does not have a photocell for
aligning product with the reject mechanism then the photocell delay time and alarm
time are not available for adjustment.
If the system is variable speed then the delay time and photocell delay time are
measured in pulses instead of hundredths of a second.
While in this option, the letter 'R' is displayed in the top right corner of the screen
when a reject occurs.
5.4.7 Edit Product (E) :
Displays the edit sub-menu.
Met30+ 1f
Met30 + 3f
Edit product name
Edit product name
This allows the name and parameters of the current product to be altered. The letters
have the following meanings :
E = Edit product name
W = Product width H = Product height
P = Product phase
G = Adjust gain
F = Switch frequency
x = Exit Edit Product Name (E) :
The current name will be displayed and can be amended. This is done by scrolling
through the alphabet with the / keys. When the desired character appears on the
display press SELECT. The sequence of selectable characters is as follows:
File Name: Q875-0143 ENG Iss2 Met30+ Operating.doc
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