Doc. Ref.No: Q875-0143/ENG
Issue 2
Met 30+ Operating Manual
Note: that different cables and sockets will be required for RS422/485 as opposed to
RS232. The second option allows adjustment of communications parameters for port
B and works in exactly the same way as for port A. The exception is that port A is
dedicated to RS232 and port B is a dedicated RS422/485 (multi-drop), which also
ignores handshaking.
The third ‘Det Id’ option on the communications menu allows the detector ID to be
changed. This is used to address the detector in multi-drop network applications (i.e.
‘Datachek’ data management software).
5.5.6 Printer Setup (P) :
This option allows you to set up the serial port and the type of printer options. There
are two serial ports on the Met 30+. The first called A which is set to RS232. The
second port called B which is a dedicated RS422/485 (multi-drop). The two options
are cycled with the or keys and set by the SELECT key. The three printer
options are also cycled with the or keys and set by the SELECT key. The three
options are:
'Printing disabled' i.e. No printer output.
'Print on demand' i.e. printer output when selected from the menu.
'Print on event' i.e. prints when a reject or setup is done.
When a printout is selected a type of printer is asked for, this is also cycled by the
or keys and set by the SELECT key. The types are:- '80 column printer', '40
column printer', '40c column printer' (compact) and '20 column printer'. The SELECT
key sets the type and returns to the engineer's menu.
5.5.7 Supervisor’s Code (s):
This allows the supervisor's access code to be changed, the and keys select
each number and the SELECT key sets it. The new code will over-write the old one.
5.5.8 Engineer's Code (E):
This option allows you to change the engineer's access code. This is done in exactly
the same way as changing the supervisor’s code described earlier.
5.5.9 Lock Engineering (l)
Can only be entered by Lock engineers using a code.
5.5.10 Exit (x) :
Returns to the supervisor's menu.
File Name: Q875-0143 ENG Iss2 Met30+ Operating.doc
Page 29 of 58