Doc. Ref.No: Q875-0143/ENG
Issue 2
Met 30+ Operating Manual
9.1 ADC
If the ADC button is pressed and the engineers security code is entered when
requested, the display should resemble the following figure:
Figure : ADC display in graphics menu mode (‘F H’ only shown for 3F)
The ADC display shown above demonstrates the menu and display options available
to an Engineer or Supervisor level user. In the centre of the display is shown the
product detection envelope, and a plot of points representing the signal from the
metal detector. The currently selected product name is shown at the top, and the
detection parameters shown at the bottom are height(H), width(W), phase(P),
gain(G) and frequency(F). The two sets of functions that can be used on this screen
are graphics (ZRCFBP) or editing (WCHPGNF / WCHPGN). If an Operator level
pass code had been entered then the settings would be view only, and the editing
menu would not be available. The figure above shows the graphics menu as
ZRCFBP, where the letters have the following meanings:
= Zoom In/Out
= Rotate phase
= Clear display
= Flash mode
= Bar graph display
= Phase angle zoom
Below the letter menu is the currently selected function (‘Rotate’ in the figure), and
below that the top left hand button toggles between the graphics and editing menus.
The label of this button will toggle between [G] or [E] each time it is pressed to
indicate the Graphics or Editing menu. The menu selection keys [<] and [>] will cycle
the selection along the letter menu. The right hand side of the screen shows the keys
that modify settings or display properties. The labels of the modify keys depend on
which type of function is currently selected. Note that although the keys are drawn
small to maximise the screen area for plotting, their touch sensitive area is bigger for
easier operation.
If the supervisor or engineer code was originally entered when the ADC screen was
selected, and the settings have been changed then pressing the [ ] key will exit the
File Name: Q875-0143 ENG Iss2 Met30+ Operating.doc
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