Read all warnings posted on the device.
Inspect the device for worn or loose components prior to
use. Tighten / replace any loose or worn components prior to
Do not place any loose parts or objects on the device before
and during use.
The equipment has a safety earth (ground) connection and
must be connected to a (grounded) wall socket with
protective earth to avoid the risk of electric shock. The
functional earth connection is for potential equalisation only.
The operator must keep away from the footrail while
The test subject should wear proper sports or running shoes
(no spikes).
If this equipment is modified, appropriate inspection and
testing must be conducted to ensure continued safe use of
the equipment.
Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by
children without supervision.
M938904_MANUAL VALIANT 2 PEDIATRIC / VERSION: V1.1 - 2016-08-25