At each start-up, the machine asks for the measurement between the sawblade and the log
bed. If the value shown on the display does not agree with the value on the machine scale, the
calibration value has been changed and the machine has to be recalibrated. This operation is
carried out in the calibration mode.
If you, during operation, suspect that the value
on the display does not agree with the actual
position of the sawblade, you can use the
Cal key to put the machine in the calibration
mode. The Cal key is pressed down to start the
calibration. Then, you move the sawblade with
the control lever until it comes to the calibration
value 100 mm from the log bed. Be careful when
measuring the position of the saw blade. The
precision when positioning the saw blade will
directly reflect the accuracy of the dimensions of
the sawn timber.
One tip is to put a mark for the calibration
position on the bogie leg after your first
calibration. This will facilitate when making
rough adjustments when it is time for the next