LORD Fusor
High Defi nition Sealer
LORD Fusor
802HD/804HD/805HD/806HD high
defi nition sealer duplicates the look and function of
OEM sealers, including sound deadening material,
wheel house coatings and weld through sealers. Fusor
high defi nition (HD) sealer can be used as a beadable
sealer, applied with Fusor manual dispensing gun (Stock
#313) for any standing or tooled beads, or can be spray
applied using Fusor sprayable seam sealer dispensing
gun (Stock #312). Fusor HD sealer can be used on
bare and primed metal in conjuction with Squeeze Type
Resistance Spot Welding (STRSW). Other substrates
include SMC and Fiberglass
Fusor HD sealer is available in the following colors:
• White – Fusor 802HD Sealer
• Gray – Fusor 804HD Sealer
• Black – Fusor 805HD Sealer
• Beige – Fusor 806HD Sealer
Spray Application
1. If sealing bare metals, scuff the metal surface with
a red scratch pad. Blow off area with dry, fi ltered
compressed air.
2. If sealing primed metals, prime the surface using
a two-component primer according to paint manu-
facturer’s instructions. Scuff the primed surface with
a red scratch pad. Blow off area with dry, fi ltered
compressed air.
3. Cut cartridge tip and puncture foil seal.
4. Insert cartridge into Fusor sprayable seam sealer
dispensing gun (Stock #312). Unscrew and remove
tube base; insert cartridge without rotating tube;
rescrew base for a tight seal (see Illustration A).
5. Adjust the air pressure and spray pattern of
dipsensing gun to achieve the desired texture and
pattern. The texture and pattern will vary with gun
distance from the part. A spray out test panel of
Fusor HD sealer is recommended.
6. If needed, paint per manufacturer’s recommenda-
tions immediately or within 30 days.
For more application information, refer to www.lord.com/
fusor for standard operating procedures or access
application videos by QR code (on back).
Technical Data
Skin Time*, minutes @ 70°F (21°C)
Paint Time @ 70°F (21°C)
immediately or up to
30 days without a scuff
Elongation, %
Chip Resistance
Passed SAE J400
Corrosion Control
60 cycles SAE J2334
* Skin time may vary depending on temperature and humidity.
Full cure strength is achieved in 24 hours at 70°F (21°C).
Cautionary Information
Before using this or any LORD product, refer to the Mate-
rial Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and label for safe use and
handling instructions.
For industrial/commercial use only.
Must be applied by
trained personnel only. Not to be used in household
applications. Not for consumer use.
Illustration A