2.4GHZ F.H.S.S.
GPS-mode (SWA 0 and SWB 2)
GPS-assisted: YES
Altimeter: Only for GPS-position hold
DEFAULT stick configuration: YES, except for height control
GPS-mode is the most advanced flight mode. It uses both
GPS-assistance and the altimeter to provide the best support
to the pilot.
Usually, this mode is being used for taking photos and shoo-
ting videos.
As a result of this, the maximum tilt angle of the Gravit (and
the resulting speed as well) are reduced compared to “Balan-
ce-mode”, for example.
So if you want to rip through the skies and go crazy, this surely
isn’t the mode for you…
The specialty of this flight mode is the “GPS-position-hold”.
This feature lets your Gravit hover in the air just on spot,
without movement along any axis.
Or in other words: Your Gravit does not fly into any direction
and neither does it gain or loose height.
This is very interesting for taking photos or shooting video.
Technically, the GPS makes sure that your Gravit does not
move on the horizontal plane, while the altimeter is ensuring
that your current height is kept.
In order to enter GPS-position-hold, you have to let go off the
right control stick and bring the throttle stick to center/neutral.
Depending on the wind conditions, your Gravit may not
always manage to stay on spot 100%, but it will try its best to
compensate for any unwanted change in position as good as
Return-to-Home-mode (RTH, SWA 2 and SWB ANY)
The Return-to-Home mode is actually not a real flight-mode.
YOU do not fly the Gravit, but the Gravit flies ITSELF back
RTH is initiated by switching the left SWA-switch to the lo-
west position (Pos. 2). You can initiate the RTH ANYTIME, NO
MATTER which flight mode you are currently using.
Please note that RTH will only work correctly, if you started
your Gravit with full satellite lock. As soon as you initiate RTH,
the status-LED of your Gravit will start to flash green rapidly.
Depending on the settings of the software, the Gravit climbs
to a certain height first (default: 10 meters), before she is flies
back above the take-off position and then slowly begins to
For further details, please see chapter „Landing your Gravit“
This mode may NOT be assigned to any other
channel/switch-position, it will ALWAYS be selected by SWA
2 and SWB ANY)