Answering Calls with an Answering Machine
If your answering machine answers a call from the ANS. M. port, the caller can perform the following tasks:
• Record a voice message on the answering machine and/or
• Transfer their call to the FAX port
We recommend that you use your answering machine announcement message to pro-
vide callers with instructions for transferring their calls.
Following is a Sample Announcement Message That You May Wish To Use:
• " * Hello, this is ________. If you wish to send a fax, press #11 on your tone phone, or leave a mes-
sage at the tone."
• * If the LineShare 4.1 is in the Semi-Automatic mode, you should leave a four (4) second silent
period at the beginning of the outgoing message you use on your answering machine.
Retrieving Answering Machine Messages from a Remote Location
To disable the LineShare 4.1 and retrieve your answering machine messages (provided it has this capabil-
ity), follow these steps:
1. Dial your phone number and wait for the answering machine to answer the call.
2. After your answering machine answers the call, press * on your tone phone.
3. Follow the remote retrieval procedures for your answering machine.
4. After retrieving your messages, hang up. The LineShare 4.1 resets for the next call.
Placing an Outbound Call
You can place an outbound call from the PHONE port, unless another port is in use. If another port is in use,
you will hear a busy signal when you attempt to place a call. If the line is clear when the calling device goes
off-hook, you receive a dial tone and can place the call normally.
During an outbound call, you can also receive a transmission from someone that is ready to transmit.
To transfer this transmission to the FAX port, during a conversation, press # 11 from a tone phone.
Rotary/pulse transfers are not supported in the LineShare 4.1.
Picking up an extension phone not connected to the ANS. M. or PHONE port during a data or fax transmis-
sion may interrupt the call.)
Receiving a Computer Call
Unlike a fax call, inbound computer calls do not produce identifying tones; they remain silent until another
modem answers the call. To receive a computer call to the AUX port, instruct the caller to use one of the fol-
lowing methods. (In this example, we use a modem.)
Dialing the Receiving Computer Through the Originating (Calling) Computer
To have the calling modem automatically "over dial" the AUX port access code and access the modem con-
nected to the LineShare 4.1, the caller must take into consideration whether the call is local or long distance.
Long Range Systems
LineShare 4.1