User manual
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Sphensor is the line of sensors produced by LSI LASTEM for monitoring environmental parameters and air
quality control in indoor environments.
The sensors, either battery operated or powered by a USB socket, have low power consumption, transmit
the measurements via radio to one or more devices called
Sphensor Gateway
Sphensor Gateway sends the received values to
LSI LASTEM Cloud Service
or to an
MQTT broker
, either within
the company network or reachable from outside via the Internet. Sphensor Gateway communicates over the
network via LAN network connection (Ethernet) or via Wi-Fi radio or 3G/4G mobile phone.
The Sphensor line is completed by repeaters, to be used where the sensor radio signal does not reach Sphen-
sor Gateway due to obstacles or long distances between the devices.
Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.
a typical example of a Sphensor sensor network.
Fig. 1
Sphensor network generic scheme.
The peculiar characteristics that characterize and distinguish Sphensor from other similar solutions are:
Quality of measurements
to the highest market standards.
An entire family of multi-parameter sensors with an
innovative design
for the best placement in
the environment.
Integration of different sizes within a single
body of reduced size
protocol: allows the creation of an
interconnected network of sensors
with high extension
and flexibility of geometry.
Extension of radio range through the use of signal
Flexible installation
thanks to a wide variety of mechanical supports.
Measured data displayed directly on
cloud software