LSI LASTEM M-Log – User’s manual
For M-Log with terminal board inputs (ELO007 and ELO008 series) may be used all the actuation
logics available from 3DOM software.
The model ELO011 has only the actuator 3 on the serial line 1.
Eolic alarm
(Logic used only for M-Log with terminal board inputs – ELO007 and ELO008 series.)
The logic uses a wind direction measure to establish the condition of a wind position in a specified
sector for a predefined time. Can be set:
The measure that samples wind direction (degrees);
The starting angle (extreme included) of the direction sector;
The ending angle (extreme included) of the direction sector;
The continuous permanence time of the wind direction inside the defined sector in order to
detect the alarm condition;
The continuous permanence time of the wind direction outside the defined sector in order to
detect the end of the alarm condition.
Both times can be set from 0 seconds to 12 hours; if both times are set to zero, the wind direction in
or out conditions inside the sector are immediately detected.
It is possible to join this logic with an another logic of threshold bypass type (see §
L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.
) applied to a wind speed measure: in this way it’s
possible to refine further the alarm activation (i.e. to activate the alarm when the wind is more than
5 m/s for at least 3 minutes and inside the
sector of 45 degree for at least 1 minute).
Evaporimeter filling
(Logic used only for M-Log with terminal board inputs – ELO007, ELO008 and ELO011 series)
The logic uses a water level probe inside the evaporimeter to establish the need for filling up it.
Can be set:
The measure that samples the water level;
The filling-up start time (it’s recommended the automatic filling-up programmed in the
morning, before the sunrise, in order to avoid temperature changing that could alter the
evaporation measure);
The maximum filling-up time, useful to avoid flooding in case the water level sensor is
broken or surveys a wrong measure;
The maximum water level that determines the stop of the filling;
The minimum water level, under that the need for the evaporimeter filling-up (at the defined
time), is detected. To obtain the right evaporation keep the evaporimetric basin always
filled. Therefore set the minimum level like the maximum level, because, in case of too low
water level, the shade of the walls on the surface of the water doesn’t allow the right
evaporation in the morning and in the evening.
Start precipitation alarm
(Logic used only for M-Log with terminal board inputs – ELO007 and ELO008 series)
The logic uses a measure connected to a rain gauge to detect the start precipitation conditions.