Once the UV-C light is switched on there is 30 seconds before the unit becomes fully operational. If someone enters the room during
sterilisation the unit will turn off automatically as the infrared sensor detects movement. In order to continue sterilisation, turn off the
power switch and turn on again after 30 seconds. Sterilisation time setting options: 10 seconds, 1 minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30
minutes. Default time is 30 minutes.
Set the timing of the light to 4, 5, 6, 7
for 10 seconds - 30 minute delays
iNfRaRed iNductioN
No settiNGs
detectioN RaNGe settiNGs:
factoRy settiNG = 100%
1. all people must Vacate the aRea immediately BefoRe the uV-c liGht is switched oN oR Becomes opeRatioNal.
liKewise aNimals aNd BiRds must Be RemoVed fRom the aRea BefoRe steRilisatioN BeGiNs.
2. plaNts aNd/oR aRtwoRK must eitheR Be RemoVed oR Be pRopeRly pRotected so as to aVoid diRect iRRadiatioN.
3. NeVeR eXpose aNyBody’s sKiN oR eyes to diRect ultRaViolet RadiatioN.
4. Keep childReN away fRom the uV-c liGht uNit at all times.
5. the uV-c steRilisatioN uNit must oNly Be opeRated By tRaiNed peRsoNNel.
6. do Not use uV-c liGht as a coNVeNtioNal liGht.
7. the uV-c liGht must Not Be used foR loNGeR thaN is RecommeNded iN the maNual.
8. do Not immeRse the uV-c liGht uNit iN wateR aNd/oR do Not wash with wateR. to aVoid damaGiNG the uNit,
Keep it dRy at all times.
spectRal cuRVes
seNsoR switch timeR settiNG
Wavelength (nm)
Relative spectrum
Wavelength (nm)
NicK mccaRtNey
083 700 0433