Operations Interfaces
Issue 1
December 1997
3170 computer and the AT&T
computer have a
built-in modem and meet the modem requirements.
The following stand-alone modems meet the modem requirements and can be
used with the DDM-2000 OC-12 system. This is not an exhaustive list of
compatible modems:
2224-CEO modem (at 1200 and 2400 baud)
Paradyne 2224 modem (at 1200 and 2400 baud)
Paradyne 4024 modem (at 1200 and 2400 baud)
Paradyne 2296 modem (at 4800 and 9600 baud)
V-series Smartmodems
Alliance V.32 modem.
Remote Access Using the Data Communications
Channel (DCC)
The DDM-2000 OC-12 system supports CIT remote access from the local
terminal to a remote system using the data communications channel (DCC) over
OC-N interfaces or the IAO LAN. The DDM-2000 OC-12 system supports one
incoming remote login session and one outgoing login session over the DCC at a
time. For example, a local user can gain remote access to a remote DDM-2000 in
the same subnetwork at the same time a remote user at another DDM-2000 in the
subnetwork can gain remote access to the local system. CIT remote login is also
supported in multi-vendor subnetworks, but only between DDM-2000 Multiplexers
(or from FT-2000 to DDM-2000).
Operations Interworking (OI) also allows remote logins between DDM-2000 and
SLC-2000 Access System and from the FT-2000 OC-48 Lightwave System to
other Lucent 2000 Product Family systems in the same subnetwork.
Trademark of NCR Corporation.
Registered trademark of AT&T.
Trademark of Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc.
Registered trademark of Penril Corporation.