Power Up: DLP-508
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Issue 7, March 1997
Does DMM indicate between
50 and
60 volts?
If YES, then proceed to Step 23.
If NO, then continue with Step 8.
Is FAIL indicator on RINGING GENERATOR off?
If YES, then proceed to Step 10.
If NO, then continue with Step 9.
Replace RINGING GENERATOR and repeat from Step 3.
10. Condition DMM to measure DC volts.
11. On RINGING GENERATOR, connect DMM test leads to
48V jack and GND
12. Does DMM indicate between
42 and
56 volts?
If YES, then proceed to Step 14.
If NO, then continue with Step 13.
13. Check wiring on power shelf connecting to RINGING GENERATOR. Repeat
procedure from Step 3 after locating and correcting trouble.
14. Condition DMM to measure AC volts.
15. On LDU, connect DMM test leads to
20 HZ jack and GND jack.
16. Does DMM indicate between 90 and 110 volts?
If YES, then continue with Step 17.
If NO, then proceed to Step 20.
17. Condition DMM to measure DC volts.
18. On LDU, connect DMM test leads to
20 HZ jack and GND jack.
19. Does DMM indicate between
50 and
60 volts?
If YES, then proceed to Step 21.
If NO, then continue with Step 20.
20. Replace RINGING GENERATOR and repeat from Step 3.