Power Up: DLP-525
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Issue 7, March 1997
Get equipment for installation:
• (1) ED-83242-30, G3 which consists of 12 Lineage 2000 VR series batter-
ies, 11 inter-battery bus bars, 24 1/4-inch lock washers, 24 1/4-inch nuts,
a container of the NO-OXid grease and a form 1285 (all these items are
supplied with the batteries).
• (1) battery string cable (comcode 846278224, one for each battery string)
(shipped with the cabinet as Group 63).
• torque wrench (range between 30 inch lb. and 200 inch lb.) with insulated
handle (or insulate the handle with electrical tape).
• 7/16-inch socket (for the 1/4-20 nut).
Unpack the batteries and inspect for physical damage. Do not install any cell
that appears to be damaged. Any cell that has leaked electrolyte should be
considered defective.
Condition DMM to measure DC volts.
Measure the terminal voltage of each battery. Does meter indicate 4.20 V DC
or higher for each battery?
If YES, then proceed to Step 6.
If NO, then continue with Step 5.
Replace any battery that measures less than 4.20 V DC.
Wipe battery terminals until clean and dry.
Before installing the batteries in the battery compartment, verify the
supporting screws (see label on the battery compartment door) have
been installed. Mounting the batteries without the support screws will
deform the cabinet and the doors will not close.
Use special hex key (modified hex key) and 216-tool to open the battery com-
partment doors.