Issue 7, March 1997
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Visually Inspect AC Powering, Grounding,
Copper Termination, and Fiber Termination
at Collocated Distant Terminal Site
Verify that 900A1 distant terminal (DT) closures and AC circuit breaker box
and power outlets have been properly mounted in the structure. (See Figures
1 and 2 if you have a low profile pedestal.)
Verify that each AC power outlet has been wired to an electrical circuit
breaker; not to a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI).
Is 120 V AC present at each AC outlet?
If YES, then proceed to Step 7.
If NO, then continue with Step 4.
Is circuit breaker that is providing power to AC outlet turned on?
If YES, then proceed to Step 6.
If NO, then continue with Step 5.
Resolve problem through local procedures.
Turn circuit breaker that is providing power to AC outlet to on position and
repeat from Step 3.
Verify that ground cable to 900A1 DT closure is secured by SLU35 connector
(cable clamp) located in bottom of DT closure and that ground cable is routed
and terminated to an approved ground connection.
Verify that customer drop protectors are grounded per instructions for the type
of panel being used.
For each DT, verify that fiber drop is terminated with an
lightguide cable
connector that has been attached to optical unit backplane coupler. Also verify
that excess fiber cable is stored in fiber retaining bracket.
10. Verify that fiber drop, including metal shield, is securely fastened to wire clamp
and the wire clamp is securely attached to ground bracket in bottom of 900A1
DT closure.