The Built-in Configurator
Set the Serial Parameters
WaveLAN/EC-S User’s Guide
Hardware Parameters
To allow proper communication between your WaveLAN/EC-S and
its host device connected via the RS-232 port, you must ensure
that the data transfer parameters in the WaveLAN/EC-S are set to
match the values of (applications running on) the host device.
Software Parameters
When forwarding data between the Serial RS-232 port and the
WaveLAN radio, your WaveLAN/EC-S actually translates “stream-
based” data into “packet-based” data.
Stream-based data for the Serial UART interface is
transmitted and received one byte at a time. This type of
communication does not include a mechanism to separate one
Parameter Name Valid Values
Baud Rate
300, 1200, 2400, 9600,
19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400
Alternatively you can use a custom value in the range
of 112.5 and 115.200, but you should only do so in
case the host device does not support one of the
standard rates listed above.
Default value = 9600
Data bits
7, 8
This parameter determines the number of bits in a
UART character frame (default value = 8).
odd, even, none.
This parameter sets the parity in the UART character
frame which will be used to verify correct data
transmission (default value = none).
Stop bits
1, 1.5, 2
This parameter determines the number of bits that will
be used to represent the end of a character bit in the
UART frame (default= 1).