Configuring WaveLAN/EC-S
Set the WaveLAN Parameters
WaveLAN/EC-S User’s Guide
Using a unique WaveLAN Network Name value will avoid that your
device might unintentionally attempt to establish a connection with
a neighboring network.
Valid values are any string of alphanumeric characters in the range
of “a-z”, “A-Z” and “0-9” with a maximum of 32 characters (default
value is “ANY”).
The WaveLAN Network Name must be the same for all WaveLAN
devices and WavePOINT-II devices in the network. Consult your
LAN Administrator for the WaveLAN Network Name value that
applies in your network.
In IEEE 802.11 networks that include Lucent Technologies
WavePOINT-II access points, the LAN Administrators may
have “closed” the network to wireless stations that use the
network name “ANY” to avoid unintentional connections as
described above.
For Ad-hoc workgroups, you do not need to identify a WaveLAN
Network Name. In Ad-hoc Demo mode, your WaveLAN/EC-S
device will be able to communicate peer-to-peer with any wireless
station in its vicinity that is operating in Ad-hoc Demo mode too.
Advanced WaveLAN Parameters
The “Advanced” tab enables you to set a number of radio
parameters of your WaveLAN/EC-S device.
In most networking environments you do not need to modify these
parameters, as their defaults settings will prove most efficient for
normal network communications.