The Built-in Configurator
Saving the Configuration Changes
WaveLAN/EC-S User’s Guide
Saving the Configuration Changes
Once you confirm changes in any of the Built-in Configurator
menus, the changes are immediately stored in the FlashROM of
the WaveLAN/EC-S device.
To activate the changes, you can either:
Use the Main Menu options:
Disconnect and reconnect power to the WaveLAN/EC-S
Resume Operation
This option allows you to save configuration changes into the
WaveLAN/EC-S device, without taking effect immediately.
The changes will be stored in the FlashROM of your WaveLAN/
EC-S device, but will only become active when the device is reset,
or powered off and on again.
If you would like the device to start operation using the changes
immediately, use the option “Reset the WaveLAN/EC-S”.
Reset the WaveLAN/EC-S
Use this option to save changes made in the configuration menus,
and load this new configuration into the WaveLAN/EC-S device.
When you select this option, the built-in configuration tool will
prompt you to confirm or cancel the reset:
Select “Yes” to reset the device and allow it to restart operation
using the new configuration settings.
Select “No” If you do not wish to save any changes that you
may have made.